Asplund, J., Nordén, J., Kjønaas, O.J., Madsen, R.L., Lunde, L.F., Birkemoe, T., Ronold, E.K., Norkute, M., Jansson, K.U., Karlsen, D., Sverdrup-Thygeson, A., Skrede, I., Methlie, I.-S.H., Maurice, S., Botten, U.G., Krok, R.J., Kauserud, H., Nybakken, L., 2024. Long term effects of forest management on forest structure and dead wood in mature boreal forests. Forest Ecology and Management 572, 122315.
Kostich-Nilsen, C.A. (2024) Effects of forest management on needle fungal endophyte communities of Norway spruce (Picea abies) [Master thesis, University of Oslo].
Karlsen, D.P. (2024) The longterm effect of clear-cut forestry on the understory vegetation [Master thesis, University of Oslo].
Fiske, V.L. (2024) Effects of competition and predation on reproductive success of the European spruce bark beetle Ips typographus in unmanaged vs. managed forests [Master thesis, Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Ås].
Krok, R.J. (2024) Forestry history in boreal production and near-natural forest – impacts on biodiversity in wood-inhabiting fungi [Master thesis, Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Ås].
Holter, B.M. (2024) Long-term effects of forest management on parasitoid wasps [Master thesis, Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Ås].
Braut-Solheim, A. (2024) A population genomic study of the effect of clear-cut forestry on the beetle Gyrophaena boleti [Master thesis, Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Ås].
Bottten, U.G. (2024) Historiske hogster i naturskognær skog – en studie fra tolv granbestander i Sørøst-Norge med utgangspunkt i retrospektive metoder [Master thesis, Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Ås].
Lønnum, H. (2024) Langtidseffekter av flatehogst på nedbrytning av strø [Master thesis, Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Ås].
Helling, J.M.C (2024) Long-term effects of timber harvest on cavity-nesting birds in Norwegian boreal forests [Master thesis, Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Ås].
Berg, E.H. (2024) Long-term effects of clear-cutting on the threatened bat species Eptesicus nilssonii [Master thesis, Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Ås].
Sjøli, M.S. (2024) Langtidseffekter av flatehogst på nedbrytningen av lignin [Master thesis, Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Ås].
Torp, V.Å. (2023) Forest management effects on aerial fungal biodiversity [Master thesis, University of Oslo]
Karlstad, R.R. (2023) Long-term effects of clear-cut forestry on beetle species richness and abundance in Norwegian boreal forests [Master thesis, Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Ås].
Fimreite, I.S. (2023) Long-term effects of clear-cut forestry on predation of artificial caterpillars in boreal forests of southeastern Norway [Master thesis, Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Ås].
Hide, V.-A. S. (2023) Higher population densities of the abundant specialist Gyrophaena boleti in near natural than previously clear-cut mature forests [Master thesis, Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Ås].
Frydenlund, M.J. (2023) Impact of forest management history on fine root dynamics and mycorrhizal colonization in Norwegian boreal forests [Master thesis, Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Ås].
Vårdal, M. (2023) Effects of forest management history on fine roots and mycorrhizal colonization in Norwegian boreal spruce forests [Master thesis, Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Ås].
Toverud, I.V. (2023) Langtidseffekter av flatehogst på nematoder i jord [Master thesis, Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Ås].
Hubner, D. (2023) Soil charcoal in boreal forests with contrasting management histories in southeast Norway [Master thesis, Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Ås].
Biong, R. (2022) Long term effects of clearcutting on litterfall and understory vegetation in boreal spruce forests in Norway [Master thesis, Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Ås].
Lish, G. N. (2022) Long-term effects of clear-cut forestry on beetle community diversity in boreal forests of southeastern Norway [Master thesis, Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Ås].
Jørgensen, O. (2022) Arthropod biomass and abundances in mature clear-cut versus mature near-natural boreal forests in southeastern Norway [Master thesis, Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Ås].